Don’t worry if you're a skeptic.

If the root of the problem is a mental construct, you can change it or eliminate it altogether with another mental construct.

Regressive hypnosis is an adventure. It’s an action movie that takes you far, far away for a couple of hours; and you are the hero.
This is your adventure.
And, like in any adventure, fable, or story, in order to reach your goal, you must brave all sorts of obstacles, learning to survive along the way by confronting your fears. You must take courage and fight against the monsters, insects, snakes, elves, gnomes and ghosts.
But, you’ll also visit bewitching and marvelous places full of light, colors and aromas. You’ll run into lots of different characters, some that you already know and others you have yet to meet. It is a journey through time, among dimensional portals and telepathic messages.
It’s about diving into the depths, into your emotions, in search of the origins of your own motives. It is a journey into yourself.
It makes no difference whether this is going on outside or inside your mind: it is your dream and you are there.

What is regressive hypnosis?

Regressive hypnosis allows you to crack open the doors to your unconscious
so that your Being can go beyond sensory perceptions and access information that it would be impossible (or almost impossible) to access under "normal" circumstances.
This allows you to find answers to questions you may have been unable to resolve and to pinpoint the causes of problems, discomforts, anxieties and somatic symptoms hidden in other energy-space-time dimensions different from the one where you inhabit in this physical existence.
Simply put: understanding the origin of a certain block, situation, position; becoming aware of the reason for these events as well as apparent coincidences; having a chance to interact with ourselves and with our surroundings at the energy level, allows us to resolve inner conflicts and unblock stagnant or deteriorating personal situations.

What happens during regressive hypnosis?

What happens to you during regressive hypnosis is exactly what happens to you every day without you realizing it; when you read something carefully, when you’re hooked by a good film; when you listen attentively to an interesting talk, or when you stop for a few minutes and think with your eyes open, isolating yourself from the rest of the world, even if only for a moment.
It is exactly what happens when you take a nap. You settle in, relax and gradually let go. You begin to empty your mind, or start thinking about something, perhaps recalling something you just did or some other more distant memory. Memories sometimes change shapes or modality; they seem to develop much like dreams.
When you open your eyes, you find yourself on the bed or sofa, or in your seat on the bus, and you almost wish you had stayed in that other dimension; you come back to the present.
But, what if during your nap you had an external voice guiding you through that journey inside your mind?
What happens is that you become the protagonist of an adventure. Your adventure.
This is what happens with regressive hypnosis. You live out a dream, your dream.
Contrary to what some may think, during regressive hypnosis, your level of consciousness is not diminished, but rather increased; that is why you are able to access important and much needed information that it is impossible (or nearly impossible) to access in a normal state of consciousness.

What happens if the connection is lost during an internet session?

In most cases, you will realize that there is no longer anyone on the other side of the line and, then, you will open your eyes, reestablish the connection and continue with the session as if nothing had happened.

With deeper trances, when there is no other external stimulus, the state itself will become a natural sleep state followed by a spontaneous awakening after a few minutes or even a little longer.
This is what happens when you're sleeping at night and realize you are thirsty or need to use the bathroom. You wake up, get up, walk around your apartment, go back to bed and almost immediately fall asleep again.
Or, when you get a message on your cell phone while napping. You may decide to see who’s sent it, maybe you even decide to respond and then leave your cell phone on the nightstand, and go back to enjoying your nap.

Are the effects of regressive hypnosis immediately noticeable?

Some results are immediately noticeable, but others need a fairly long time to manifest. The time it takes to digest a regressive hypnosis session varies depending on the person and the circumstances.
Some people notice the benefits as soon as the session is over, while others sense a gradual yet steady personal transformation, noticing differences with respect to the past, week after week and month after month.
- How long do the effects of regressive hypnosis last?
This is very much relative. The duration of effects depends on the compatibility with the goal reached in a regressive hypnosis. It all depends on our personalities and these can change at any given moment by our own volition.
Some results can last several days or weeks. Others last until other changes take place that replace the previous one, others can last a lifetime.

And what if I am unable to enter hypnosis?

Everyone can enter a hypnotic state. There are different depths of hypnosis and these depends above all on the subject. The few cases in which it’s not possible to work successfully are when a light hypnosis is combined with personal resistance.
This obstacle is not impossible to overcome. Sometimes it’s enough to try again at another time, in a more comfortable and more inviting space. Sometimes it’s enough to change the method of induction, or simply the pace of the process. It's also possible to use a background audio frequency, or to focus more on those senses that are more open and predisposed, or to stimulate telepathic contact.
But the most revolutionary option, without a doubt, is the telepathic hypnosis session using support person.

What is a hypno-telepathic session?

During a hypno-telepathic session, a third person, which could theoretically be anyone, comes under hypnosis and works with the interested subject telepathically.
The work that this person does is identical to what the interested party themselves could do in an hypnotic environment, and sometimes the result is even be better when the support person is able to reach a deeper state of hypnosis than the interested party.
In these cases, the subject that "cannot" or does not want to enter hypnosis may chose a trusted person, if they want, to subject themselves to hypnosis on their behalf.

Research sessions

The information gathered during a regressive hypnosis session is not pure. On its way from the source to the receiver, this information is contaminated, distorted and interpreted. This process makes it impossible to use this information as verifiable data to prove the existence of real-life events or places; nevertheless, when working with the subject, we can use this information to release knots or blockages that the subject may be experiencing on their personal path.
However, by gathering a large enough body of data from various different subjects and observing specific details, it is possible to filter these out in order to obtain a tiny amount of matching data that we can then use to reconstruct a reality or dimension and explore and study it.

Video recording of the session

Sessions are recorded on video for security reasons. Recording them allows us to evaluate the hypnotist’s work at any time and analyze it from any given angle. 
It is up to the subject of the session to authorize or allow the recording to be divulged through the media, always preserving his or her anonymity.
Publishing the video makes it possible to share useful information that is helpful to the subject undergoing hypnosis as well as anyone else who watches it.

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